From the Desk of Secretary

Dr. Harshul Tak

I express my heartfelt gratitude for electing me, Hon. General Secretary, Rajasthan Ophthalmological Society.

My vision is to work for general ophthalmologists of the state. I am well aware that our colleagues serving in distant & rural places of Rajasthan faces so many problems whether it is updating knowledge & skill, less payment in comparison of neighboring states, decreasing faith between patient & doctor, etc.

I am committed to resolving all such issues & maintaining the dignity of our reputed society & colleagues.

Rajasthan is not very advanced in education. This is true in their knowledge of eye-related common problems. ROS will run public awareness campaigns from time to time to make people aware of common eye diseases. This will be beneficial to our patients as well as to our colleagues. We have started distributing posters /pamphlets on world Glaucoma week, world sight day, world diabetic month, eye donation fortnight, etc with the help of our affiliated societies. We are playing radio jingles on such special occasions. We will send PowerPoint presentations of common eye diseases to you soon. You can play them on your OPD / mass gathering occasions. All these measures will be helpful in increasing awareness in the general population.

The number of members of any society is very important to show strength. At present we are more than 860 members. I request you to motivate your colleagues to become members of ROS so that we can have more representation in AIOS.

We are revamping our website. We are incorporating a member login page so that members can update their profile online. This will help us in better communication.

Under the guidance of our president & with the help of my young & energetic executive colleagues, we will fulfill our commitments to our colleagues.


Dr. Harshul Tak

Hon. General Secretary,